A Better Africa is harnessing platform technology to impact African education. The platform is building content and communities addressing the millions of teachers in Africa. An estimated 7 000 000 teachers across the sub-continent will be able to access professional development for as low as ,50c (US) per month. A Better Africa was founded in 2016 and today we have over 10 000 users, seven active communities and thousands of resources for African educators.
Join our collaborative network in education
The National Association of Social Change Entities in Education (NASCEE) is an association of education non-profit organisations seeking to maximise the contribution of NPOs to national development goals connected to education.
We do this by:
- Improving the capacity of our members to ensure effective and well-run NPOs in the sector.
- Collaboration and influence in defining thematic focus areas in partnership with members.
- Advocacy through the expression of systematic challenges and solutions.
AccessEd believes that university should be accessible to all young people regardless of socio-economic background or upbringing. While university may not be the choice for all, it should be accessible to everyone. In line with this, the principal objective of AccessEd is to launch and scale university access programmes that promote access to higher education among young people from underserved communities in a non-profit manner. AccessEd's unique programme model mobilises Postdocs, PhDs and Master's students to tutor and mentor young people from underserved communities. We leverage the passion and expertise of postgraduate tutors to convert their research work into a university-style course for pupils to compete. Designed to give pupils an authentic university experience, the programme breaks down barriers to higher education. Aside from postgraduate experts, pupils interact with a range of professionals who further enrich their programme experience through academic enrichment workshops. Programme outcomes include improved subject knowledge, university readiness, motivation, self-efficacy and meta-cognition - key competencies that support progression to higher education. Beneficiaries include pupils and their parents, postgraduate researchers, and teachers.
Education NPO, implementing Whole School Development (infrastructure, curriculum, social welfare, leadership) in rural and township communities
Affinity Educational Consultants is built on aligning its deliverables with bespoke/tailor-made Microsoft Education Resources, Intel Teach Programmes , Google Education, Moodle for Schools, Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) and Maths & Science Teacher Development Programmes (MSTD).As well as SETA aligned US/Qualifications Affinity Educational Consultants is an educational consulting company with competencies in training, empowerment, development and delivery. We also offer full turnkey solutions for devices, content and connectivity as well. We develop and offer flexible range of educational and learning solutions to meet specific needs of teachers, students and whole school improvement.
African Angels provides a quality education by exceptional teachers for children who will innovate, and be the hope for our future.
Afrika Tikkun Bambanani focuses on providing comprehensive solutions for early childhood development. With a strong emphasis on the crucial years from ages 0 to 6, Afrika Tikkun Bambanani offers a range of services and programs aimed at supporting children's learning and development during their formative years: Curriculum, Practitioner training and Assessment and monitoring of children and practitioners.
The AFRO-Freedom Book Club is a public book club that focuses on Afrikan writers to inspire dialogue and civic engagement in the community. We strongly believe in the voice of Afrikans and the importance of telling our own stories. It is a great setting for Afro-centric, creative, opinionated, and open-minded people. This is an excellent way to enjoy Afrikan literature with a diverse and great group of readers and thinkers.
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Schools Enrichment Centre (AIMSSEC) is the vehicle for public engagement, schools’ enrichment and professional development of mathematics teachers.
Anyone making an effort to motivate people to study the Scriptures is to be highly commended, and those inspired by God to found a Bible school certainly deserves recognition. The production of your curriculum and the development of your programs can represent years of labor-intensive work. Starting a Bible Institute is a very great accomplishment, and accreditation is the public crowning of that achievement. Of course, every Theological Seminary was unknown when it first began, and it usually requires years of consistent performance to build a good reputation. Christian educational institutions need all the credibility that they can get, but it’s usually difficult to become nationally known. But with some outside assistance, you can become more widely know faster. In the commercial world of today, consumers have learned that all is not what it appears to be so “buyer beware.” Likewise, if a student is going to expend time, effort, and money to obtain a degree, it is particularly important to know of the legitimacy, integrity, and prestige of the institution from which it comes. And how can a prospective student know if the school he is considering is of good quality or not? Well, they realize that an outside viewpoint is more likely to be objective.
Alladin Learning Solutions is a Non-Profit Company (2017/035380/08) and Public Benefit Organisation (930070596) offering innovative solutions to challenges facing the education, early childhood, and community development sectors; including both human resource and material constraints. Our bespoke programs are designed by training and development specialists, who tailor the programs and interventions based on exposure in the field and research of best practice. We have a specialized focus on early childhood development and early education programs.
ABESA supports Anglican Church schooling in South Africa in its engagement with significant challenges. These include: issues of inclusion; institutional integrity; financial sustainability; how to ‘show up’ in a world in such a state of flux (economically, environmentally & socially); together with the journeys of healing tied to our past. Strategic thinking and action around these challenges need to engage the concerns of pupils, staff, parents and alumni alike.
ASSITEJ SA connects and supports theatre practitioners, companies, organisations, institutions and schools across the country, who share a belief in the transformative difference that theatre makes in the lives and education of children and young people.
Association for Educational Transformation is a registered non-profit organization based in Cape Town. It funds pupils from disadvantaged communities in university and provides the necessary support to learners and teachers for those in high school.
Aurelian Beneficial Trust (ABT) is a charitable trust that is a catalyst for access to quality education, skills development and vocational training. ABT has established partnerships with several tertiary institutions across South Africa which are in line with its strategic objectives.
You need me I need you
Biblionef is an NPC (Non-Profit Company) that donates new storybooks to children attending schools and organisations with an educational focus. The majority of our books are locally produced and available in all eleven languages to ensure that South African children can relate to them. These books support endeavours to improve literacy levels, establish a reading culture, and help create the right circumstances to foster a love of reading and respect for the written word. Our Vision is to create lifelong readers who are good citizens, can read and think for themselves, resulting in a society where everyone is literate, has access to education and read both for pleasure and necessity. Our Mission is to make books available for all children (ages 3 – 18) in all the official languages for reading pleasure and for education, and in this way to lay the foundation for children to make good decisions through critical thinking and live balanced and productive lives.
Blue Sky will assist Community Trusts to unlock the financial benefit of their interests in Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) projects and to use the income to provide an outstanding education to the children in their communities.
Book Dash is a social impact publisher of open-licensed, African picture books for young children. Based on research that indicates the educational value of owning engaging books from birth, our vision is that ‘Every child should own one hundred books by the age of five’. In South Africa, 70% of young children don't own books.
We support more than 200 Botebong voluntary and community organisations to deliver their services by providing funding, governance, partnership and other relevant information and advice. Through our networks, we bring the sector’s organisations together to ensure their concerns are raised and their voice are heard.
When a child’s imagination is unlocked, possibilities are opened up, allowing them to choose a path for their own future. Breadline Africa enables this journey by providing initiatives and infrastructure to support childhood development in Southern Africa. The renovated containers and prefabricated units are used as early childhood development centres (pre-schools), community kitchens, toilet blocks and primary school libraries.
The Breteau Foundation supports educators and families with digital tools and content to ensure high quality education. Through several country- specific initiatives, hardware, software, teacher training and content, we work to improve teaching and learning.
We have 2 main focus areas, Job creation and education. On job creation side we have a youth development program, workshop for 40 disabled people, daycare for 30 disabled adults and daycare for 15 severely disabled children.
Offering free services to our communities.
The CIE promotes and supports quality education for the common good through the spiritual, intellectual and professional formation of leaders and teachers in Catholic schools. We are committed to justice and compassion and offer a Catholic perspective in our engagement with society as we work in solidarity with people most in need.