
A Better Africa Holdings Pty Ltd

A Better Africa is harnessing platform technology to impact African education. The platform is building content and communities addressing the millions of teachers in Africa. An estimated 7 000 000 teachers across the sub-continent will be able to access professional development for as low as ,50c (US) per month. A Better Africa was founded in 2016 and today we have over 10 000 users, seven active communities and thousands of resources for African educators.


AccessEd believes that university should be accessible to all young people regardless of socio-economic background or upbringing. While university may not be the choice for all, it should be accessible to everyone. In line with this, the principal objective of AccessEd is to launch and scale university access programmes that promote access to higher education among young people from underserved communities in a non-profit manner. AccessEd's unique programme model mobilises Postdocs, PhDs and Master's students to tutor and mentor young people from underserved communities. We leverage the passion and expertise of postgraduate tutors to convert their research work into a university-style course for pupils to compete. Designed to give pupils an authentic university experience, the programme breaks down barriers to higher education. Aside from postgraduate experts, pupils interact with a range of professionals who further enrich their programme experience through academic enrichment workshops. Programme outcomes include improved subject knowledge, university readiness, motivation, self-efficacy and meta-cognition - key competencies that support progression to higher education. Beneficiaries include pupils and their parents, postgraduate researchers, and teachers.

Adopt-a-School Foundation

Education NPO, implementing Whole School Development (infrastructure, curriculum, social welfare, leadership) in rural and township communities

Affinity Educational Consultants

Affinity Educational Consultants is built on aligning its deliverables with bespoke/tailor-made Microsoft Education Resources, Intel Teach Programmes , Google Education, Moodle for Schools, Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) and Maths & Science Teacher Development Programmes (MSTD).As well as SETA aligned US/Qualifications Affinity Educational Consultants is an educational consulting company with competencies in training, empowerment, development and delivery. We also offer full turnkey solutions for devices, content and connectivity as well. We develop and offer flexible range of educational and learning solutions to meet specific needs of teachers, students and whole school improvement.

African Angels Trust

African Angels provides a quality education by exceptional teachers for children who will innovate, and be the hope for our future.

Afrika Tikkun Bambanani

Afrika Tikkun Bambanani focuses on providing comprehensive solutions for early childhood development. With a strong emphasis on the crucial years from ages 0 to 6, Afrika Tikkun Bambanani offers a range of services and programs aimed at supporting children's learning and development during their formative years: Curriculum, Practitioner training and Assessment and monitoring of children and practitioners.

AFRO-Freedom Book Club

The AFRO-Freedom Book Club is a public book club that focuses on Afrikan writers to inspire dialogue and civic engagement in the community. We strongly believe in the voice of Afrikans and the importance of telling our own stories. It is a great setting for Afro-centric, creative, opinionated, and open-minded people. This is an excellent way to enjoy Afrikan literature with a diverse and great group of readers and thinkers.

All Nations Bible Institution & Projects

Anyone making an effort to motivate people to study the Scriptures is to be highly commended, and those inspired by God to found a Bible school certainly deserves recognition. The production of your curriculum and the development of your programs can represent years of labor-intensive work. Starting a Bible Institute is a very great accomplishment, and accreditation is the public crowning of that achievement. Of course, every Theological Seminary was unknown when it first began, and it usually requires years of consistent performance to build a good reputation. Christian educational institutions need all the credibility that they can get, but it’s usually difficult to become nationally known. But with some outside assistance, you can become more widely know faster. In the commercial world of today, consumers have learned that all is not what it appears to be so “buyer beware.” Likewise, if a student is going to expend time, effort, and money to obtain a degree, it is particularly important to know of the legitimacy, integrity, and prestige of the institution from which it comes. And how can a prospective student know if the school he is considering is of good quality or not? Well, they realize that an outside viewpoint is more likely to be objective.

Alladin Learning Solutions

Alladin Learning Solutions is a Non-Profit Company (2017/035380/08) and Public Benefit Organisation (930070596) offering innovative solutions to challenges facing the education, early childhood, and community development sectors; including both human resource and material constraints. Our bespoke programs are designed by training and development specialists, who tailor the programs and interventions based on exposure in the field and research of best practice. We have a specialized focus on early childhood development and early education programs.

Anglican Board of Education for Southern Africa

ABESA supports Anglican Church schooling in South Africa in its engagement with significant challenges. These include: issues of inclusion; institutional integrity; financial sustainability; how to ‘show up’ in a world in such a state of flux (economically, environmentally & socially); together with the journeys of healing tied to our past. Strategic thinking and action around these challenges need to engage the concerns of pupils, staff, parents and alumni alike.

ASSITEJ South Africa

ASSITEJ SA connects and supports theatre practitioners, companies, organisations, institutions and schools across the country, who share a belief in the transformative difference that theatre makes in the lives and education of children and young people.

Association for Educational Transformation (ASSET)

Association for Educational Transformation is a registered non-profit organization based in Cape Town. It funds pupils from disadvantaged communities in university and provides the necessary support to learners and teachers for those in high school.

Aurelian Beneficial Trust

Aurelian Beneficial Trust (ABT) is a charitable trust that is a catalyst for access to quality education, skills development and vocational training. ABT has established partnerships with several tertiary institutions across South Africa which are in line with its strategic objectives.

Biblionef South Africa

Biblionef is an NPC (Non-Profit Company) that donates new storybooks to children attending schools and organisations with an educational focus. The majority of our books are locally produced and available in all eleven languages to ensure that South African children can relate to them. These books support endeavours to improve literacy levels, establish a reading culture, and help create the right circumstances to foster a love of reading and respect for the written word. Our Vision is to create lifelong readers who are good citizens, can read and think for themselves, resulting in a society where everyone is literate, has access to education and read both for pleasure and necessity. Our Mission is to make books available for all children (ages 3 – 18) in all the official languages for reading pleasure and for education, and in this way to lay the foundation for children to make good decisions through critical thinking and live balanced and productive lives.

Blue Sky Foundation

Blue Sky will assist Community Trusts to unlock the financial benefit of their interests in Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) projects and to use the income to provide an outstanding education to the children in their communities.

Book Dash

Book Dash is a social impact publisher of open-licensed, African picture books for young children. Based on research that indicates the educational value of owning engaging books from birth, our vision is that ‘Every child should own one hundred books by the age of five’. In South Africa, 70% of young children don't own books.

Botebong Trust

We support more than 200 Botebong voluntary and community organisations to deliver their services by providing funding, governance, partnership and other relevant information and advice. Through our networks, we bring the sector’s organisations together to ensure their concerns are raised and their voice are heard.

Breadline Africa

When a child’s imagination is unlocked, possibilities are opened up, allowing them to choose a path for their own future. Breadline Africa enables this journey by providing initiatives and infrastructure to support childhood development in Southern Africa. The renovated containers and prefabricated units are used as early childhood development centres (pre-schools), community kitchens, toilet blocks and primary school libraries.

Breteau Foundation

The Breteau Foundation supports educators and families with digital tools and content to ensure high quality education. Through several country- specific initiatives, hardware, software, teacher training and content, we work to improve teaching and learning.


We have 2 main focus areas, Job creation and education. On job creation side we have a youth development program, workshop for 40 disabled people, daycare for 30 disabled adults and daycare for 15 severely disabled children.

Catholic Institute of Education

The CIE promotes and supports quality education for the common good through the spiritual, intellectual and professional formation of leaders and teachers in Catholic schools. We are committed to justice and compassion and offer a Catholic perspective in our engagement with society as we work in solidarity with people most in need.

Citizen Leader Lab

Citizen Leader Lab is a home-grown leadership development and support organisation. This award- winning, globally ranked non-profit believes that the tenets of equal opportunity for all, accountable and responsible leadership and partnerships that foster unity and inspire common identity are essential in creating the #TheFutureWeWant for South Africa.

Columba Leadership

Columba Leadership has existed since 2009 and offers a values-based leadership programme for Grade 10 learners, principals and educators and a model which schools can use to embed values and youth engagement. it is through the effective engagement and connection with values that Columba aims to enhance youth outcomes.

Datalab Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd

At Datalab, we help you find exactly where your gaps are through an in-depth analysis of your databases, processes and systems. We determine where you are losing resources - whether time, labour or materials. Then we create linkages in your data management system to ensure that all the parts speak to each other and can be consolidated in meaningful and informative ways. This gives us the clarity we need to address any business development concerns at the project and organisation level. We incorporate social learning into all our work, evaluations and learning systems. The result is a thriving business where learning is ubiquitous and the value of gaining knowledge from one another is fully grasped and appreciated.

Digital Springboard

Digital Springboard is a social enterprise that applies an evidence-based approach to the application of technologies in education. The learner centric and pedagogy driven model focuses on the educator as the driver of tech-based (eLearning) lessons ensuring a greater synergy between traditional pedagogy and the evolving eLearning pedagogy for improved education outcomes.

Dinaledi Educational Coaching NPC

Founded in 1907, Dinaledi Educational Coaching (now re-branded as Dinaledi Leadership For Education) transforms leadership practice throughout the educational value chain through the powerful modality of coaching. We work in the most challenged of schools, in conjunction with the educational department, utilizing the modality of coaching as delivered by the best coaches we can find, and funded by the private sector. In the past 12 years, just under 40 township schools in the Western Cape have benefitted from DEC's deep change programme.

Dr CL Smith Foundation

The Dr. CL Smith Foundation aims to create and drive positive social change in previously disadvantaged and excluded areas in South Africa through Education. We believe that education drives the objectives as outlined in the National Development Plan 2030 and are vital to the holistic development of young people, fostering their mental, physical, social and emotional health.

E3 Programme

The National Department of Education’s E3 Programme is a public-private partnership supporting South Africa’s education sector to develop the skills and competencies needed for a changing world. The purpose of the programme is to support the National Development goals towards reducing youth unemployment and poverty by 2035, at least by 90%. The acronym E3 refers to education, employability and entrepreneurship and the programme aims to have 90% of learners either in further education opportunities, employed or starting their own businesses. Preparing learners for the world of work and success after school will be very different from our own, and requires a combination of knowledge, competencies and attitudes that form the solutions seeking mindset.

Early Childhood Hearing Assessment Centre

The company is a non-profit organization that ensures that the children registered in ECD Centers get proper early screening, assessment and intervention services at the community level. A plan to achieve this will be through skills development and job creation for unemployed youth as CHW trained to benefit infants and young children on communication, emergent literacy, and listening stimulation. Early Childhood Hearing Assessment Centre is a company that will exist in its own right, separately from its members.

Education Partnerships Group

At the heart of our approach is the belief that governments are best placed to make decisions about their country. Our role is to enable those decisions by generating and using research to ensure policy is informed by evidence, facilitating the design and effective implementation of policy, and advising on the piloting and scaling of new policy reforms.


We are a sought-after provider of quality educational mentorship and capacity building to teachers and leaders in primary schools, so that all our children have a love of learning, a thirst for knowledge and are well prepared to achieve their full potential.

Edulution Learning South Africa NPC

Edulution provides numeracy and literacy supplementary Programs to primary school learners by using a unique mix of technology, enterprising coaches and evidence-based analytics. Edulution’s programmes enable learners to revise and master essential numeracy, literacy and digital skills so that teachers can more effectively deliver their curriculum objectives. Edulution, in partnership with the Sesego Foundation, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the South Africa Department of Basic Education to run a 2-year pilot programme in South Africa. The pilot will commence in February 2021 (adjusted start date due to Covid-19) and will deliver numeracy sessions to grade 4-7 learners in Kwazulu-Natal. Based on success - determined by agreed Key Performance Indicators - Edulution will expand its coverage to South Africa’s other provinces in a Public-Private Partnership model. Funding for the pilot phase is being raised from global foundations as well as SA local foundations and corporates.

Edutech Institute

Edutech institute revolutionize and standardise how students learn. We envision a world where every student that has access to a laptop/computer has access to an individualised learning journey, tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. We anticipate a vast improvement in core competencies among all Edutech users.

Ekukhanyeni Relief Project

Ekukhanyeni works from within communities to build resilience to a multitude of social challenges through its Early Childhood Development and Food Security programmes with a strong emphasis on the promotion of local community mobilisation and engagement to both encourage upliftment and resilience, as well as to develop social capital and community-based resources. Each of our interventions aims to broaden the organisation’s effort in weaving together an holistic, family oriented approach to community development that promotes social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being from the grass roots level up. Our approach is further rooted in love, service and compassion in a sphere of trust, respect, and shared responsibility with our programme beneficiaries.

Empire Partner Foundation

The Empire Partner Foundation Tech Hub is a non-profit organization that was started by a group of young South Africans, with a vision to address social challenges using technology.

ENAMEN Consulting

ENAMEN Consulting, black female-owned business consulting firm focusing on improving organisational efficiencies, brand positioning, social impact. Our vision is to become Africa’s ambassador for driving meaningful businesses, through outcome-driven solutions that influence businesses and transform stakeholders mindset.

enke: Make Your Mark

enke: Make Your Mark (enke) is a leadership development organisation that generates and incubates youth-led social impact and enterprise. We run holistic development programmes (for youth 15-35 years old) that pass on the skills and belief systems that enable young people to become the change they seek in the world.

Environment and Language Education Trust (ELET)

The Environment and Language Education Trust (ELET) is an NGO based in KZN, in operation for 37 years. Our organisation impacts development and transformation through Accredited Skills Training, Environmental, Teacher and Learner Empowerment and Employment Creation Programs, with an emphasis on marginalized and vulnerable Women and Youth. Our program focus is on Learner Support, Teacher Development, Early Childhood Development Learnership programs, Literacy and Environmental Education and Rehabilitation. Our principal accreditation is from ETDPSETA (10634) as a Skills Development Provider.


"FEDSAS believes in maximum autonomy for governing bodies and therefore we strive to expand the rights and powers of governing bodies. FEDSAS supports and promotes the rights and powers of governing bodies as described in the South African Schools’ Act, including language and admissions policies. FEDSAS supports the principle that governing bodies play an important role in creating opportunities for all learners to enable them to reach their full potential. FEDSAS supports the preservation and promotion of a culture of excellence in teaching, education and service delivery. FEDSAS is continuously striving to establish and build healthy relationships with all stakeholders in education in order to serve the best interests of learners".

Funda Wande

Funda Wande is a not-for-profit organization that aims to equip teachers to teach reading-for-meaning and calculating-with-confidence in Grades R-3 in South Africa. We do this by hiring the best people we can find and work as a team to create high-quality materials, experiment with different teacher training approaches, and independently evaluate everything we do. Our materials and training are created in the languages that children speak and understand and are freely-available for anyone to download and use. Our programs and materials are all evidence-based, independently-evaluated, policy-aligned and cost-effective.

Fundzisa Foundation

Formed in 2019 , Fundzisa has three directors. We work with a group of children in grades 1-3 from a disadvantaged communities. We started as an outreach community program and decided to register as a NPC in 2020.

Global Teachers Institute

The Global Teachers Institute (GTI) is a teacher development network of educators, schools and organizations committed to developing high-quality teachers through school-based initial teacher education programmes, international exchanges and collaborative platforms.

Green Shoots

Green Shoots supports Math's teaching & learning through Data Informed Decisions. We believe that the innovative, sustainable and tech-enabled solutions we employ after uplift and empower, not only our schools, our teachers and our learners; but also our communities. Our mission is summarised as ''Quality Education for all''. The outworking of this mission is to provide the best Maths solution (product & support) to as many children and schools firstly in South Africa then Africa.


HandiAfrica has been observing and studying the cultural insights of the rural people based on physical visits of such rural agglomerations and practical experiences. Having a clear vision of the needs of the deprived communities, HandiAfrica is developing strong strategy to deliver adequate counselling and training to the youths in need, empowering them with soft-skills training and preparing and integrating them into sustainable jobs. Most of the rural people prefer to work for their own communities, HandiAfrica encourages and facilitates them to make best use of their potential and work and contribute for their own people.

HeartBeat Clowns NPC

We are a Non-Profit Company which intends to pioneer the professional skill of medical clowning in South Africa. This will be targeted at unemployed black youth and aligned with the credentials of the YES Campaign. Under the umbrella of the 5000 model of the YES Campaign we aim to offer an incentivized programme which encourages businesses to provide job opportunities for our youth.

Home-Language Project

The HLP was set up by the parents and School Governing Bodies of seven Gauteng state schools in 2000, to address the problem of language disadvantage in single-medium schools.


ICDL is the world's leading computer skills certification. More than 16 million people have engaged with the ICDL programme, over 150 countries, through our network of over 24,000 ICDL Accredited Test Centres.


IkamvaYouth provides inspirational, safe learning spaces for learners to be at after-school, where they receive help with their homework through a peer to peer model, supported by volunteer tutors. IkamvaYouth also provides a host of other services and support to ensure the learners succeed against all odds, setting them on a path to dignified living.

Ikhwezi Lomso Extended Education Project

Ikhwezi Lomso Extended Education Project (ILEEP) is an organisation with education, development, and community empowerment centred initiatives. Operational focus is primarily in the development of Khwezi village, Ntabethemba, Queenstown. The operations interfaces with the school’s programs therefore it is an extended education imperative. It will span from early childhood education to higher education. The key elements are embedded on the development facades being physical wellness, psychological and knowledge base wellness.

Injini EdTech Acceleration NPC

We support the people who are changing education in Africa Injini is a registered Non-Profit Company (2017/193849/08) based in Cape Town, South Africa with the purpose of improving educational outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa.

Inkwenkwezi Youth Development Sporting Foundation

The organization was formed by unemployed graduates in 2015 with the strategic intent to develop, empower and mainstream young people so that a dream of a crime free society, wherein the youth is safe, employable, academically achieving, healthy and socially connected is realized.

Inqubela Foundation Trust

Inkqubela Education is a charitable Trust aimed at producing informed, engaged, skilled, conscious, and exposed young Africans through providing innovative educational solutions. We produce and implement school based transformative, easily adaptable, and results-orientated programmes that cater for various stakeholder. Our core business is leadership and governance engagement.

Instructional Leadership Institute NPC

The Instructional Leadership Institute (ILI) was established in 2016 by Absolute Return for Kids (ARK) UK’s education policy venture the Education Partnership Group (EPG), as a programme that focuses on providing school leaders in South Africa with the skills required to run exceptional schools in under-resourced communities.

Isamon Vocational College of Excellence

Organisation Started operating in 2004 as a close cooperation and unregistered as Pty in 2015, have been training and accrediting ECD practitioners for the past 26yrs. We also partnered with NDA in capacity building of NPO' in North West.


The Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa is the largest and oldest membership organisation for private schools in the region. ISASA serves over 850 member schools across a broad range of socio-economic and cultural communities. Our member schools educate more than 200 000 pupils.

iSchoolAfrica Education Trust

iSchoolAfrica is not about simply providing devices. It is a comprehensive and holistic solution for providing 21st century teaching and learning.

Jakes Gerwel Fellowship

Jakes Gerwel Fellowship is an aspirational fellowship which identifies high potential students who, through financial support, high quality teacher education and professional induction, become expert teachers, educational leaders and social entrepreneurs who will lead system change to achieve quality education for all learners.

JET Education Services

JET Education Services (JET) is an independent, non-profit organisation that works with government, the private sector, international development agencies and education institutions to improve the quality of education and the relationship between education, skills development and the world of work. JET’s mission is to impact education policy and implementation in South Africa and Africa through rethinking current education systems and engaging in evidence-based research.

JGE Funding Trust t/a Bonnievale 418

We invest in the lives of young people by increasing quality and access to career-focused education, supporting learner pathways from school to work, growing employment potential within our local economy, and sharing what we learn with others.

Joe Slovo Foundation NPC

Inspired by the great Anti-Aparthied Leader Joe Slovo’s legacy, the focus of the Joe Slovo Foundation is on the entitlment of human Rights especially Women’s Rights as per Slovo’s good friend the late President nelson Mandela andon building Resilinat Communities utilising a ‘Sustainable Livelihoods Approach’. Our campaigns and programmes are sustained – The Joe Slovo Foundation is the power behind the White Ribbon Campaign in South Africa, teaching all South Africans (not only men and boys) to end violence against women and girls through primary prevention programmes. The Joe Slovo Foundation formed part of the UN-OCHA World Humanitarian Summit Consultation Process and is actively engaged in supporting both the Outcomes of the Summit and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in Africa.

Junior Achievement South Africa

JA South Africa prepares young Africans for the 21st century workforce by educating them in entrepreneurial skills, work readiness and financial literacy. JA South Africa equips Africa’s youth with the knowledge and skills to start their own businesses, to succeed in the global job market, and to make sound financial decisions as adults.

K2011127140 t/a PSI Projects

The vision of K2011127140 is to create a successful model of sustainable development, promoted by profitable enterprises and non-profitable projects, co-operating in partnerships that oversee responsible management of natural resources and biodiversity, within an economic framework that obviates the plague of poverty and social decay while upholding the law and supportive of good governance.

Katekani Community Project

Katekani Community Project is a NPO (not-for-profit organization) based in region 1 of Tshwane (Winterveld, Mabopane, Soshanguve, Ga-Rankuwa and Pretoria North). It was established by concerned community activists, after the realization of high unemployment rate and out of school youth roaming the streets. Based on the research conducted involving all the community members, the organization was established and registered with Not-for-profit directorate of the National Department of Social Development in 2013. With the support of the community leaders and activists Katekani managed to secure a facility in Winterveld for its daily operations, which is recruiting unemployed graduates to volunteer and gain experience in the workplace.

Kgwana Community Centre

Sustainable driven organisation in the development of the rural communities through training and development.

KHULA Education

KHULA Education currently works with 20 rural schools in uMzinyathi District. We partner with schools in communities surrounding Rorke’s Drift and Isandlwana, making a lasting commitment to support and improve the quality of education for the children from their pre-school years through to graduation. We also work with the teachers, extending their skills and providing teaching tools where necessary.

LEAP Science and Maths Schools

LEAP contribute towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 of the United Nations, i.e. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Formed in 2004, we operate a network of six high schools supporting the development of critical life and academic skills in young people living in some of the poorest townships in South Africa. Our learner-centered approach and strong emphasis on social –emotional learning belies the destructive assumption that quality education is not possible in poor communities.

Leap to Know

Leap to Know develops educational apps that shape school readiness skills in English and Afrikaans and that function off-line on low-cost Android tablets.

Learning Roads Solutions (LRS) Academy

E2E was born out of a conversation about people growth and development, and the tremendous possibilities that exist for supporting individuals and organisations for the rapidly changing local and international demand. The strength of LRS Academy lies in their experience and expertise in Education and people and organisational transformation. Their approach is a holistic rather than a fragmented one. The directors are life-long activists for transformation and want to make a difference in people and organisations in the Education terrain.


"We are a dynamic third-generation family-based enterprise with more than 30 years’ research, development and implementation expertise. We work with specialist teams to deliver first-to-market solutions grounded in scientific research with precision-developed algorithms, embedded in the newest technology available. We launched LAB-on-line in 2011. LAB-on-line has assisted more than 120 000 users in maximizing and improving their skills and in thriving in an ever-changing world. 2020 saw the launch of the ALL-NEW integrated Desktop APP Eyebraingym, taking visual processing, reading and cognitive development to a whole new level. South African schools and educational institutions can apply for an education grant from our partners and receive up to 90% off the cost to implement our solutions at their schools. The online Place me evaluation module (including a visual, language proficiency and reading with comprehension eval) is available FREE on the eyebraingym website."

Lesedi Larona Home of Trust

Lesedi Larona Home of Trust (LLHT) is a Non-Profit –Organisation registered as a voluntary service provider on education based activities.


LETCEE is a non-profit organization in KZN South Africa working to improve the lives of young children from underprivileged communities. LETCEE was founded in 1993.

Maikano Peace Haven Houses

Maikano Peace Haven Houses NPC is a Non-Governmental (NGO) and Non-Profit Making Organisation (NPO) registered respectively with the South African register of companies as an NPC and the Department of Social Services as an NPO. Initially, the organization emerged as an agent for change within rural areas where they are a lot of social gaps that relate to social services-related programs. An entity that emerged to challenge all social ill most particularly those that are related and affecting people living with disabilities, children, women, youth, and the aged within rural areas. Maikano focuses on making sure that our organization is well funded with bursaries, and income generation programs like opening small projects that will help in training the people living with disabilities and all. We have carefully selected various programs that are offered at the center, and are linked to enterprise development and job readiness that are designed to help and assist individuals desire to access a job market. Our core part is that which is linked with establishing various multipurpose shelters and safe havens, creating opportunities for advocacy, empowerment, and capacity building of unfortunate people of rural areas who don’t have access to adequate resources. Maikano Peace Haven Houses NPC is a rural-based organization that is aimed at championing the plight of people living with disabilities thereby creating competitive sustainable economic platforms within the S.A job market and also helping them build their sustainable businesses that are in line with the 4IR. The organization focuses on the principle of Human rights and a proper hospitable and caring society.

Mangweni Greater Good CSI (Mangweni CSI)

We are a social impact consulting company and proudly South African 100% black female owned. We help businesses become socially conscious with a focus on children in under-resourced primary schools and their lifelong learning to be able to thrive. Our belief is that the first ten years of life are about play and that children do better when physical play is an integral part of their lives. It does not only improve their health but teaches them critical life skills such as problem solving, resilience, teamwork and creativity.

Mankweng Cluster Youth Development

Education driven and always go an extra mile to ensure that young people live a healthy,crimefree and education driven lifestyle through different programs we offering.


"At MSLA, we understand the critical role of educating youth for the future in addressing youth unemployment and achieving poverty reduction. Of greatest concern to us, is the inequality factor in the South African education system and the huge divide of those who have access to quality education and resources and those who do not. We have embraced the COVID-19 challenge as an opportunity to rethink how we educate at MSLA and, through the generous support of our sponsors and partners, we have restructured as a digital access centre, to bridge the digital divide and provide opportunities for youth to become lifelong learners, to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop skills needed for the workplace. "

Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance

Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (MGSLG) is a non-profit organisation, which has two branches, one is based in Benoni and the head office is based in Vrededorp Johannesburg. The organisation was founded in 2002 and officially launched in August 2003. MGSLG exist to ensure that the school environment shapes the future of the learner. Leadership and Management, ICT and E-Learning, School Governance and Early Childhood Development.

Mfundo Development Foundation NPC

Our mission is to raise awareness and contribute to the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning Mathematics and Science by extension improve learner achievements in Mathematics.

Michaelhouse Community Partnerships Trust

The Michaelhouse Community Partnerships Trust (“CPT”) is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO: 015292). The CPT partners with 18 community schools located between Lions River and Mooi River, within30 minutes’ drive from Michaelhouse to improve their functionality as places of learning. This requires Principal and teacher development, classroom management and subject specific training. We engage with the Department of Education, the Circuit managers and the community to ensure that our program is child centred and holistic.

Midlands Community College

Midlands Community College is a vibrant non-profit educational centre situated in Nottingham Road in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. The College was established in 1981 in response to the need to provide quality education to all South Africans.

Mihandzu Learning

Mihandzu is a youth based organisation focused on IT and mathematics education within volunerable communities.

Mokubung Foundation

Mokubung Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to making a lasting impact on communities through comprehensive learner support, teacher education, and skills development initiatives.

MRP Foundation NPC

As a visionary development organisation, we passionately strive to empower the youth of South Africa through our high-impact education and skills development programmes. Our mission is to equip young people as they journey from school into a career, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and inequality in their own lives.

Multi Arts Alliance

Multi Arts Alliance is dedicated to transforming lives by investing our time, resources, expertise and technology to create sustainable social, economic and entrepreneurial opportunities in our local communities.

Nal'ibali Trust

Nal'ibali is a national literacy development organisation that promote love of reading in children from birth to 12 years of age, we use and advocate for use of stories (told or read) in home languages as a medium to build language and literacy skills in foundation stages of childrens development. We have a presence in all provinces and use TV, radio, reading supplements, reading clubs and training as tools to promote a reading culture in the country

National Education Collaboration Trust

The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT), comprising business, government, labour and civil society, was established on 16 July 2013, as a vehicle to implement recommendations in the education chapter of the National Development Plan (NDP), the education sector plan as well as national priorities, which includes reading. "The School and District Improvement Programme is one of eight programmes implemented by the NECT to support government towards achievement of the education goal cited in the National Development Plan to ensure that 90% of learners pass mathematics, science and languages with at least 50% by 2030.

National Skills and Research Agency Pty Ltd (NPO)

The National Skills Research Agency (NASRA) is a Not For Profit Company (NPC) that has been in operation since 2004. We pride ourselves on our track record and our reputation for excellence and delivery. NASRA’s projects focus on specific issues as well as the broader aspects of development programmes and initiatives in the SADC region. Our approach is primarily applied in nature and looks beyond specific contexts to produce outcomes that are applicable to both policy and practice and which improve and enhance the sustainability of development initiatives. Communicating and disseminating our findings through high-quality publications is an integral component of our work.

Ngangezwe Foundation

We are development strategists, program developers, managers, and implementors. We deliver solutions in the education, youth development, sport, and art sectors. Through these solutions, we aim to contribute to the development of young people that are emotionally mature, socially aware, culturally grounded and are active citizens who are empowered to be economically active.

Ntshwanti Consulting

We are a wholly South African black woman owned development consultancy specializing in the implementation of socio-economic development projects and investment projects that focus on education, youth development and children focused interventions.

OLICO Maths Education NPC

OLICO offers a sense-making and confidence-building approach to mathematics to make it meaningful and accessible to South African school learners. OLICO offers a sense-making and confidence-building approach to mathematics to make it meaningful and accessible to South African school learners.

OneVoice South Africa

OneVoice South Africa (OVSA) is a vibrant and unique non-governmental organisation, which uses innovative and creative ways of actively involving young people (13 to 35 years) on addressing the many critical health and lifestyle issues they face, so that they can live their best lives. OVSA implements two (2) projects.

ORT South Africa

ORT South Africa is an accredited, award winning non-profit education and training organisation affiliated to World ORT which was established in 1880.

Otto Foundation

The Otto Foundation aims to improve early literacy by fostering a love of reading, promoting access to books, and developing and promoting contextually relevant books for South African children. We manage libraries and reading programmes at a cluster of schools in District Six, Cape Town. Our mission is to deepen the culture of reading in schools and school communities.


By mobilizing social capital, we help ±220 community-based after-school programs access resources (academic and operational) and training (governance and literacy/numeracy support) to provide academic support for 25 000 learners.

Pecop Soweto

Pecop Soweto (Personal Concept Project for Soweto Children) was found in 1997 to train, involve, support, and activate mainly learners with (Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder) ADHD as leaders of their own academic spaces. These are learners who underperform at school, all due to their hyper-activity nature and or their short concentration span in class. This learner goes through a lot of shaming, labeling, and emotional abuse, thus the term "The Invisible Learner"[IL] was assumed by the organization, helping the community and the parents to understand the plight of these learners.


Penreach is a social impact organisation that works with partners to improve the education offering eventual outcomes for children from early childhood to Grade 12. Penreach supports the objective of the national development plan 90% of children achieving above 50% in math and science.

Performance Solutions Africa

Performance Solutions Africa (PSA) specializes in performance improvement through people. Our core competency is delivering improved results through the training and coaching of leaders and managers in structured best practice programs.

Phakamani Young Minds Academy

Established in 2014, Phakamani Young Minds Academy is a youth-led non-profit organization providing academic assistance, support and mentorship to learners throughout their schooling career - from their foundation phase up to their final years of secondary schooling.

Play Africa Group NPC

Play Africa is the first interactive children's museum in Southern Africa. We bring 21st century learning to children through our programmes, parent support and educator training. We get children excited about science, technology, engineering, maths (STEM), the arts and building our nation. Through playful learning, we equip children with the skills they need to succeed in the future. We are based at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg, South Africa. In 2021, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Play Africa has pivoted to expand our reach and provide new free online resources to children around the world.

PND Centre for Homework & Study in Informal Settlement

PCHS is a registered support centre for children, youth and women in informal settlements. The organisation was founded in 2016, it mainly seeks to provide socio-economic and educational support. It seeks to help children to among other things, study their way out of poverty and use sport not only as a social activity but also as a professional activity.

Positive Flames South Africa

To provide a platform for development, empowerment for underesourced communities through lobbying and strategic partnerships and recognizing excellence in youth.

Primary Science Programme (PSP)

The Primary Science Programme (PSP) is a trusted non-profit organization recognized for our effective approaches to improving the quality of primary education in South Africa, particularly in under-resourced schools. We do this through the training and professional development of teachers.

Project Literacy Education centres NPC

Project Literacy educational centres,established in 1973, is a national, non-governmental organisation involved in the provision of Education and Development programmes with a respected track record of 49 years. It is a registered non-profit organisation, with its Head Office in Pretoria and regional offices reaching all 9 provinces. It is also a BBBEE level 1 organisation. All legislative documentations can be supplied.

Regent College of Theology and Seminary

We are Running a Bible College, A Coaching and Leadership organisation. We believe that God, Wisdom through applied Psychology and Leadership which empowers your ability to dream, have a Vision and fulfill it is the way to go.


Saide is a non-governmental organization conducting projects throughout South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Saide's task is to contribute to the development of new models of open learning, including the use of distance education methods, educational technology and open educational resources.

Sarag Development Agency

The organisation started in 2004 as a cbo and in 2006 May 02 registered as an npo, we operate within the Siyancuma Municipality, Pixley Ka Seme in the Northern Cape province. We are conducting programs to develop our own people through accredited training, we are accredited with lgseta and has submitted letters of intent to be accredited with other setas. The organisation is running socioeconomic initiatives, women development, services to all vulnerable people, sports and recreation, youth development programs, jobs creation projects. Human rights programs for the rights of farm workers and farm dwellers. We aim is to become a beacon of hope for the broader Pixley Ka Seme.

Save the Children South Africa NPC

Save the Children South Africa (SCSA) is a local registered Non-Profit Organization (NPO) and a pioneer for children’s rights. Through integrated and holistic programmes, SCSA aims to support children, adolescents and young people (AYP) to achieve their full potential. SCSA operates from its head office in Pretoria with 5 provincial offices in South Africa, operating in the most marginalised and rural districts of Free State, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Gauteng. SCSA focuses on three thematic areas; Child Protection, Education and Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Rights, with crosscutting themes of Migration and Child Rights Governance (CRG).

School Infra Care

Incorporated in January 2015, School Infra Care NPC is a Non-Profit Organization. The organization renovates dilapidated government schools in mainly rural areas by enlisting services of skilled unemployed youth, prisoners eligible for parole and emerging business entities in local communities. The organization aims to succeed in its operations by interacting with DBE (Department of Basic Education), DCS (Department of Correctional Services), Schools (Beneficiaries), Suppliers, emerging business entities and others relevant stakeholders in order to ensure that it keeps abreast with new product developments, policies and any other information that will result in an improved quality service rendered.

SchoolNet South Africa

SchoolNet South Africa is a public benefit, not for profit company established in 1997 and acts as an advocate for effective digital learning as a catalyst for positive educational change. Digital learning is at the core of our focus and our work strives to engage learners, to encourage and motivate teachers and senior managers to enhance their teaching approaches and to build an inclusive society through Digital Skills for All. SchoolNet SA serves the vital function of changing the dialogue around technology in education and advocates for change leadership as an essential factor in the success of any technology in education initiative in South African schools. Our rationale is closely aligned to Chapter 9 of the National Development Plan and output goals of the national Action Plan 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025 SchoolNet’s work over the last 24 years has been in the following ways: 1. Advocacy related to the effective use of digital learning; 2. The evaluation of learning gains in schools adopting technologies; 3. Nurturing a national digitally-confident professional learning community; 4. Managing and sustaining high-quality professional development interventions; 5. Fostering engaged teaching and learning methodologies and practice; 6. Developing courseware for technology integration across the schooling curriculum, youth development, community centre management, women’s empowerment and ICT Leadership in digital learning.

Science CEO Academy

A world leading change agent of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation (STEMI) in schools, communities and research environment.

Seed Educational Trust

In 2000 Arnold Smit Frederick Marais and David Newby collaborated with others to run a “facilitation course.” After its initial success, they formed the Church and Community Facilitation (CFN) within the Bureau for Continuing Education and Research in the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University.

Seriti Institute

Seriti is a development facilitation agency that assists communities and social partners reach their goals by delivering innovative, sustainable, and comprehensive solutions to enhance socioeconomic impact. Seriti's work activities cover capacitation of primary caregivers of children (0-8), support for agroecological food gardening to improve food security, social partnering, capacity building for NPOs, and civil society discussions.

Sikulasonke Development Agency

Sikulasonke Development Agency is an Eastern Cape based non-profit organisation with a mission to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty through education. We believe that educated individuals have the power to change their status quo and those of their families. Sikulasonke partners with communities to promote, improve, accelerate and safe-guide education from Early Childhood Development to University level.


Siyafunda Community Technology Centre NPC is a community organization whose main focus is to provide access to digital skills and technologies to support grass-roots communities in rural and peri urban townships in South Africa, and supporting economic, educational, and social development —reducing isolation, bridging the digital divide, promoting health issues, creating economic opportunities, and reaching out to the youth, women, disabled, school educators, teachers, learners and unemployed youth.

Siyavula Foundation

In 2017, the Siyavula Foundation was formed as a separate entity from Siyavula Education to better meet the demand from low and no-income schools for access to Siyavula’s practice software, and due to interest from international grant funders. Siyavula Education and the Siyavula Foundation have formed a strategic partnership to jointly seek to make both the software practice and open online textbooks freely available to students across Africa.


SmartStart is taking affordable high quality early learning to tens of thousands of children across South Africa. We provide a systems solution to the challenge of delivering early learning at scale. Our social franchise model enables us to harness the experience of our implementing partners who license and support a network of early learning practitioners to deliver the same evidence-based program and daily routine. SmartStart is not only ensuring that children have the right foundations in place to succeed at school and beyond, it is also supporting skills development and micro-enterprise, enabling more women to work

Social Innovations

We improve the learning outcomes of children in no or low fee public schools. Schools are under pressure from the Department of Basic Education to deliver the curriculum. We don’t get in the way. Rather we offer long-term programmes to supplement the learning that happens at school.

South African Education Project

Our mission is to prepare and motivate children and youth from under-resourced communities to thrive, through education, life skills and psycho-social support.

Sports, Arts, Academics and Humanities Learning Centre

SAAH Learning Centre strives to enable all children to understand the world around them and the talents within them so they can become fulfilled individuals and active, compassionate citizens. We inspire all natural talents. We do this in collaboration with parents and the community at large.

Starfish Greathearts Foundation

1 in 4 children in South Africa have stunted growth due to malnutrition. We provide proper nutrition to impoverished children, ensuring improved childhood growth, development, and health. Our partners set up agricultural programmes and invest in community health.

STEAM Foundation NPC

STEAM Foundation NPC aims to initiate and facilitate improvement in the lives of and prospects of the poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged through practical, hands-on science education and programmes that implement co-operative learning in under-resourced schools in South Africa.

Strong Schools Community Collaborative

"Our aim is to pursue and to deliver quality functioning solutions for schools in order to become institutions of hope that inspire healthy, wholesome, and hopeful futures for our youth and society. We develop and empower the schools’ leadership (stronger roots) to help build effective and efficient schools in its mandate of education (better fruits). Strong Schools facilitates sustainable organizational change management interventions in under-resourced government schools situated in the Helderberg Basin, Western Cape. We build on and support the strategic partnership that Camino Consulting has established with the WCED and 13 schools since 2016."

Sunshine Day Care and PreSchool

Sunshine Day Care Center is an Early Childhood Development Center that strives to promote the establishment and maintenance of high-quality pre-school Educare programs within the community of Dobsonville and surrounding areas. The organization also provides a safe environment for the staff and the children while stimulating the children to reach their age-appropriate milestones. This organization strives to provide an Early childhood development experience in a loving and compassionate environment.


TEACH South Africa, established in 2009,revolutionises education by deploying skilled graduates, known as Ambassadors, to underperforming schools. Prioritising STEM education, it addresses disparities and fosters youth development.

TechnoAfrika Academy NPC

TechnoAfrika Academy is a Non-Profit Company and Social Enterprise with a sole purpose of supporting schools and disadvantaged communities to improve the quality of education and livelihood through technology and STEM support. We are a STEM Academy that aim to foster for a vibrant, inclusive, and empowered education system and society, and to be a catalyst for change in education that will help Africa to fight poverty and building sustainable communities with thriving economies.

Technology Education in the Rural Schools (TECHRUSA)

We provide teachers of Technology education in the Senior (Grades 7 - 9) and FET (Grades 10 - 12) phases, whose schools are situated in the rural areas, with skills to teach the subject competently to benefit the learners.

The Amathuba Foundation

Our vision started out as a “concern” whenever we came across stories of talented learners, with solid character and a hunger for knowledge, unable to access quality education because of their circumstances.

Click Learning

Click Learning believes that, through effective implementation, technology can shift the paradigm and make a significant impact in an efficient, cost effective and scalable manner. The primary focus of Click Learning is the implementation of English literacy and numeracy programmes active in 291 under-privileged primary schools, reaching over 200,000 learners.

The Feenix Trust

Feenix believes that access to education should not be dependent on wealth and exists to positively impact the lives of young people by sourcing collaborative solutions to addressing the key issues that restrict access to higher education. Through the use of online digital technology through crowdfunding, student and funder communities are connected in a transparent and accountable way that transcends geographic and socioeconomic barriers.

The JumpStart Foundation Trust

JumpStart Foundation Trust contributes to the systemic future prospects of young South Africans through core interventions in basic education with a particular emphasis on mathematics, technology and future skills in the knowledge economy.

The Learning Trust

The Learning Trust is developing South Africa’s extended learning sector through the provision of funding and capacity support to After School programmes that work to improve educational outcomes of young people living in poverty and exclusion. We support innovative, early-stage and community-based education non-profits.

The Link Trust

Link-SA Trust was set up in 1999 by two young South Africans, Jasper Lewitton and Nick Raphaely, who studied at Wits the University of Cape Town respectively and later at Cambridge in England. Appreciating that they had received educational opportunities denied to many of their fellow South Africans, they started a trust fund to collect money to assist financially disadvantaged university students in South Africa.

The Love Trust

The Love Trust is a South African not-for-profit organisation committed to deliver excellent quality Christian education and social care to vulnerable children.

The Seven Passes Initiative

The Seven Passes Initiative is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (065-133 NPO) that has been working to prevent violence and support and improve youth education and opportunities in Touwsranten and the rural area surrounding Hoekwil (approximately 30 km from George) since 2008.

The Smart Choice College of Education

The Smart Choice College of Education is committed to delivering only the highest forms of education material towards learners. Find out about our guidelines that ensure the day to day success of our institution and its daily operations in guaranteeing a healthy educational system for the betterment of our nation and the greater community of the Western Cape.

The Sozo Foundation

The Sozo Foundation is a non-profit organisation, based in the impoverished Cape Flats community of Vrygrond, Cape Town. With a vision to see the community of Vrygrond living with dignity, purpose and hope, Sozo creates opportunities for holistic development through three key areas: Education, Skills Development and Social Enterprise.

The Ukuqonda Institute

The Ukuqonda Institute was founded in August 2006 as a regrouping and consolidation of ongoing work within the Centre for Productive Education (a Section 21 company), the Ukuqonda Initiative (UMAT) of the GM South Africa Foundation, and Mathematical Development (Pty) Ltd (a private commercial company). We are a not for profit company (Section 21) and further registered as a Public Benefit Organisation.

Tomorrow Trust

Tomorrow Trust provides integrated education and holistic support in a sustainable manner; thereby enabling these young students to focus on their education and access opportunities they would otherwise be denied. We do this by focusing on providing additional academic support to children in school (Grade R to Grade 12) via Holiday and Saturday School Programmes as well as supporting tertiary aspirations via our Tertiary Programme.

Training and Resources in Early Education

Training and Resources in Early Education (TREE) has been in existence for the last 39 years providing quality training and capacity development to the Early Childhood Development Workforce.

TSIBA Education NPC

TSIBA is a unique social enterprise which shows what's possible when business education invests in people. The TSIBA social enterprise includes a Business School, Ignition Academy and Education Trust working together to return highly sought after people and successful small business enterprises.

Valued Citizens Initiative

Established in 2001, Valued Citizens Initiative connects, enables and inspire school leaders, teachers, social workers, parents and learners in a quest to lead a value-driven life as valued citizens. Enhancing confidence, creativity, accountability, empathy and a sense of purpose from school to home, Valued Citizens Initiative develops the eco-system of a child through professional development programmes as well as learners through soft skills programmes.

VVOB Education for Development

VVOB focusses mainly on sub-Sahara Africa and the Least Developed Countries (LDC group), which is in line with Belgium’s national development policy.


Wordworks is a South African non-profit organisation that focuses on early language and literacy development in the first eight years of children’s lives.


We place currently unemployed youth onto a 12-month work experience program. The youth gain access to work readiness skills, online learning courses, daily supervision and a network for them to have improved chances of employment beyond the program. We work closely with other NGO's in Education, industry partners and communities nationally to achieve a retention rate of 92% and strive for absorption into employment of 50%. To date we have placed over 4000 youth - 17% of youth exit into self-employment.

Zenex Foundation

The Zenex Foundation is an independent grant-maker investing in mathematics and language education in South Africa since 1995. This strategic focus is driven by evidence of a proven relationship between language proficiency and success in mathematics.