enke: Make Your Mark

enke: Make Your Mark (enke) is a leadership development organisation that generates and incubates youth-led social impact and enterprise. We run holistic development programmes (for youth 15-35 years old) that pass on the skills and belief systems that enable young people to become the change they seek in the world.

enke: Make Your Mark (enke) is a leadership development organisation that generates and incubates youth-led social impact and enterprise. We run holistic development programmes (for youth 15-35 years old) that pass on the skills and belief systems that enable young people to become the change they seek in the world.

Our name “enke” is derived from the SeTswana word for “ink” and the SeSotho word for “take it”; reflecting our philosophy and work to empower young leaders to become the authors of their futures by leading change in their communities (making their mark).

Our mission: Connect. Equip. Inspire.

  • We CONNECT people across diversity and the socio-economic spectrum, creating valuable networks, social capital and building social cohesion.
  • We EQUIP with an entrepreneurial mindset and social-emotional skills – real-world skills that unlock opportunities for future success.
  • We INSPIRE a bias towards action, to achieve personal, professional, national and global development aspirations

Contact Person

Rufaro Mudimu
+27 11 403 1241