Mission & Vision

As an association of education non-profit organisations, we – the National Association of Social Change Entities in Education (NASCEE) – are working towards maximising the contribution of NPOs towards the national development goals related to education.

We do this by improving our members’ capacity, effectiveness, collaboration and influence, in order to support and amplify the voice and positive image of NPOs within South Africa. In short, we are on a mission to empower not-for-profit organisations in the education sector, where empowering them means legitimising them, securing greater authority for their activities and enabling them to make a greater impact.


We see a future where all South Africans have access to quality education.


It is our mission to empower NPOs in education by improving their visibility, capacity, effectiveness, and commitment to collaboration in order to magnify their impact and influence.


We work to maximise the collective contribution of NPOs towards achieving transformational systemic education through the fulfillment of the national targets set out in the National Development Plan as well as the global targets set out in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal has the most bearing on NASCEE’s work, namely:

  • To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Relevant targets from the NDP include:

  • Building national capabilities in ECD, basic education, further and higher education,
  • Addressing the developmental needs of children in ECD, and making these services available to all children in South Africa,
  • Improving basic education by building the sector's human capacity, school management and district support, improving infrastructure and encouraging a results- oriented mutual accountability between schools and communities,
  • Providing diverse learning opportunities post-school through FET colleges, public adult learning centres, sector education and training authorities, professional colleges, and community education and training centres,
  • Grow the further education and training sector and improve the quality of its provision through different institutions,
  • Expand the role of distance education,
  • Engage in and support research and innovation to improve South Africa's competitiveness.

You can find a detailed discussion on UN Sustainable Development Goals and progress to date at https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/, while the NDP 2030 can be found at https://www.gov.za/issues/national-development-plan-2030.