Primary Science Programme (PSP)
The Primary Science Programme (PSP) is a trusted non-profit organization recognized for our effective approaches to improving the quality of primary education in South Africa, particularly in under-resourced schools. We do this through the training and professional development of teachers.
In 2020, our project work reached 1 397 teachers, benefitting 73 923 children in 208 primary schools.
Our training courses help build primary teachers’ content knowledge and skills, and our in-classroom support, coaching, and mentorship critically supports and encourages good teaching strategies and promotes quality teaching and learning in the key subjects of Maths, Science, Language & the Environment.
Our quality classroom resources and materials enhance teaching and learning.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic teachers are in greater need of support than ever before. In 2020 PSP responded to this by maintaining regular contact with teachers and transforming our training courses to continue online, keeping their practical and interactive nature, with concepts demonstrated using concrete objects.
We are using a blended model of teacher support during 2021, working with teachers online and/or face-to-face, as determined by the need.
Contact Person
Zorina Dharsey
+27 21 691 9039