National Education Collaboration Trust
The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT), comprising business, government, labour and civil society, was established on 16 July 2013, as a vehicle to implement recommendations in the education chapter of the National Development Plan (NDP), the education sector plan as well as national priorities, which includes reading. "The School and District Improvement Programme is one of eight programmes implemented by the NECT to support government towards achievement of the education goal cited in the National Development Plan to ensure that 90% of learners pass mathematics, science and languages with at least 50% by 2030.
The teacher professionalisation interventions make-up the core programme, amongst other supporting programmes, to increase the quantity, quality and inclusivity of learning. This set of interventions targets Subject Advisors and Curriculum Specialists, teachers and school managers. The NECT is also supporting the DBE with the South African School Administration and Management System to enable efficient data collection and usage of that data to plan and implement programmes. The NECT is trialling the 21st Century Schools programme, which is establishing the foundation for understanding 21st Century needs in teaching and learning, and in conducting research and experimentation on the manner in which the educational sectors should respond. The programme seeks to learn from global frameworks and practices for 21st century education.
Since 2016, through partnership with the ETDP SETA, the Primary School Reading Improvement Programme was rolled out across the country to upskill and capacitate foundation phase EFAL teachers as well as subject advisors in the teaching of reading. Recently the National Reading Coalition was established to network reading initiatives being implemented in the country. As a start, the NECT has adopted 22 circuits in all provinces and will use these to implement programmes aimed at improving reading. The NRC not only focusses on classroom/schools but focusses on the community at large to drive the message of the importance of reading. Under the NRC, President Cyril Ramaphosa has established his virtual reading club called ""The Presidents Reading Circle"" to encourage South Africans to make reading a priority.
Throughout the years, the NECT has been convening dialogues under Education DialogueSA. The dialogue programme is co-chaired by Professor Denise Zinn and the Deputy Minister. These dialogues are organised to give stakeholders the opportunity to engage on key education matters with the Department of Basic Education.
As the NECT was established through collaboration, the Strategic Partnership programme was created to provide an opportunity for the NECT to partner with organisations.
Contact Person
Kabelo Mosate
+27 12 752 6200