Green Shoots
Green Shoots supports Math's teaching & learning through Data Informed Decisions. We believe that the innovative, sustainable and tech-enabled solutions we employ after uplift and empower, not only our schools, our teachers and our learners; but also our communities. Our mission is summarised as ''Quality Education for all''. The outworking of this mission is to provide the best Maths solution (product & support) to as many children and schools firstly in South Africa then Africa.
Green Shoots capacitates and supports stakeholders at all levels across the education system by providing the credible, real time, ongoing learner progress data. The cloud based, weekly, curriculum aligned, Maths Curriculum Online (MCO) activities provide real time feedback that encourages formative assessment. Real time, standardised data is provided through termly assessments that benchmark learner progress. Data from MCO weekly activities and termly assessments are aggregated & online visualisations of learner data is provided to teachers , school managements and education officials.
Our sustainability, scalability, and impact is underpinned on our comprehensive ''warmware'' development component for stakeholders. The warmware support encompasses self-paced online courses, cluster teacher training, pathways, Lead teacher training and support programmes, professional learning communities, schools management training and district officials mentoring programme. All stakeholders are supported along an integration and adoption pathway that is two-way process allowing open dialogue with throughout the adoption process. This socially embedded approach to change has resulted in a high level of adoption across stakeholders from teachers to education districts .
Since our start in 2012, 235 540 learners have been using MCO. MCO supports grade 3-7 so learners can participate throughout their primary school. In 2020 (March) we are supporting 149 000 learners at 335 schools. We have supported 4 352 teachers since 2012 with 3 600 being supported in 2020. The schools we support come from across the socio-economic and geographic scale. We are working in provinces in 9 districts both urban and rural. The majority of learners are supported through schools, however some access Maths@Home through our after schools partnerships. Maths@Home is also used by individual learners who cannot access MCO at their school. Maths@Home allows parents /guardians to have immediate access to their learners progress. Our partners include farms, orphanages and community based organisations. We collaborate with other education NGO's who use MCO in their school support programmes.
- Learners attitude towards the subject and confidence in their Maths abilities increased.
- Learners developed greater agency the longer they participated in the MCO and were exposed through repeat use to the immediate feedback.
- MCO data has had an undeniably positive impact on teachers practice.
- District officials use MCO data to gain district-wide holistic overview of the whole district usage & achievement in Maths on a daily and weekly basis. It also allows a positive feedback loop since gaps in learners attainment can be identified across the district and interventions designed to address this.
Contact Person
Jo Besford
+27 21 854 5866