Call for nominations for the 2020 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education

The Director-General invites the Governments of all Member States to submit, via their Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, nominations for the 2020 UNESCO - Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education (GWE). You will find attached the Circular Letter 4312 for the attention of all Ministers responsible for relations with UNESCO, with copies to Permanent Delegations and National Commissions.

Funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the Prize consists of two annual awards of USD 50 000 for each laureate in support of their continuous work to advance education for girls and women. UNESCO recommends that this call for nominations be made widely known in your country among relevant stakeholders involved and encourages Member States both to set up a national selection process and to announce the selected nominees.

  • The nomination process takes place online via an online platform , which can be opened to nominees at your request only.
  • Please see the online Platform User Guide for detailed instruction for both Permanent Delegations and National Commission on how to connect, create and validate nominations.
  • The online nominations should be submitted by Permanent Delegations to UNESCO via the online platform in English or French by 26 May 2020 at the very latest (midnight, Paris time).

Further information on the UNESCO-GWE Prize is available on the Prize website:

For any enquiries with regard to the nomination process, please contact Mr Yuchi Zhao/ Ms Rebekah Cameron, Section of Education for Inclusion and Gender Equality; phone: +33 1 45 68 10 08, e-mail: