NASCEE bids goodbye to its Deputy Chairperson of the Board

The NASCEE Board and its members would like to express their sincere gratitude to Ms Vuyiswa Ncontsa for her service on the NASCEE Board. Board service is a tough volunteer role, and Ms Vuyiswa took on her Board duties with commitment, finesse, and seriousness.


It was wonderful to work with her and over and above her ability to connect friends to NASCEE through our annual conference and Capacity Building programmes, her willingness to support every programme NASCEE has had is truly appreciated. We are most grateful for her active leadership as a judicious steward of the association. 


A famous peace activist once said, "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it." You are both wise and virtuous, and we are grateful you shared those qualities with NASCEE as a Board member.


We will certainly miss working with you, but we look forward to staying in touch for years to come.